Green & Eco-Friendly Tips & Products
It’s easy to be more eco-friendly at home, at work and when you’re out and about. If you need some inspiration or tips on how to be more eco-friendly check out the blog. I share tips for living a more sustainable and green life. I also share my thoughts on issues I think are important, while hopefully offering solutions at the same time.
Visit the shop to buy some zero waste and plastic free items. You’ll find links to lots of eco-friendly products and companies to help you and your family reduce your carbon footprint, your energy and water use and your household waste (especially plastic).
Eco-friendly tips from birth to death and everything in between!
Tips for an eco-friendly lifestyle
Latest Posts
- Eco-Friendly Christmas Ideas
- Who Gives a Crap? – Review
- Eco-Friendly Alternatives To Gifts
- 250 Ways To Be More Sustainable
- Use Less Oil, Reduce Weekly Costs & Be Eco-Friendly
- How To Have an Eco-Friendly Easter
- Eco-Friendly Valentines Day
- Jungle Culture – Company & Product Review
- Eco-Anxiety & Eco-Guilt
- The Link Between Big Oil and Plastic
Disclaimer: Please be aware that affiliate links are present throughout the site, which help me to cover the cost of running this website. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read more in my full disclaimer.
About Me

Hi, I'm Kate
I'm becoming more eco-friendly, one step at a time. I'm not perfect but I am making a conscious effort to live more sustainably.
If you like what I do and want to support this website, you can buy me a 'coffee'.