Eco-Friendly Bathroom Swaps

  • Post category:At Home

The bathroom is probably the easiest room in the house to make more environmentally friendly. If you start in the bathroom you'll find you've removed so much plastic and an awful lot of chemicals as well. There are so many eco-friendly bathroom swaps you can make, from dental care to shampoos…

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Should You Give Up Fish?

  • Post category:Issues

Let me start by saying I've been vegan for just over a year so I might come across a little biassed in this article, although I will try to be balanced. I should also say that the point of this article is not to focus on the ethics of eating a…

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OffShore Wind

  • Post category:Issues

Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently pledged that every house in the country would be powered by offshore wind within a decade. He also said the UK would become "the world leader in clean wind energy". "Your kettle, your washing machine, your cooker, your heating, your plug-in electric vehicle - the whole…

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