The Truth About Soy

  • Post category:Issues

Over the last few years in particular I've heard so many negative things about soy and soy beans (or soya). One claim is that too much soy is said to mess with your hormones. However the biggest negative is that the growing of soy beans is being blamed for rainforest destruction.…

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Volunteering When Travelling

  • Post category:Travel

I have complicated opinions about travelling at the moment. I accept that it can be one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life and believe everyone should have the opportunity to travel, but travelling long distances is not that great during a climate crisis. There are of…

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Eco-Friendly Hair Care

  • Post category:At Home

I've written about eco-friendly hair accessories before but there are so many zero waste hair care options available these days that I thought it was about time we discussed how to keep your pride and joy looking great without causing damage to you, to animals or to the planet. I'll discuss…

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