It can be overwhelming thinking about the damage we, as humans, have done to our planet, and continue to do, and many people think that they can’t make a difference. Why should I bother to make changes if no-one else does? The truth is that one person making a change does make a difference, and a significant one at that.
- The average household in the UK produces more than a tonne of waste every year.
- Each person in the UK throws away their own weight in rubbish every 7 weeks.
If just one household halved the amount they threw away every year that’s half a tonne less going to landfill. If every household in the UK halved the amount that’s 13-14 million tonnes less rubbish every year.
Read… Radical Ways To Tackle Waste How To Use Less Plastic |
Small Changes, Big Difference
Making a few small changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference. Here are a few ideas for you to consider with a few inspirational quotes along the way to help convince you that one person can make a difference.
1. Buy less stuff
The easiest way to reduce rubbish is to buy less stuff in the first place. Always ask yourself if you really need it. If it’s an item of clothing is it something that you’ll wear often, is it made well and won’t fall apart after one wash?

2. Buy secondhand
Instead of buying everything brand new see if you can buy it secondhand. That could be clothes, household appliances, baby toys, books, anything.
3. Support local businesses
How does supporting local businesses help the planet? Your local cafe is more likely to use local produce than your local Starbucks or Costa. That means a lower carbon footprint for the food and drinks and you buy. Supporting your local cafe rather than a global company also means the money is more likely stay in your local area and supporting other local businesses.
“Little things make a big difference.” – Yogi Berra |
4. Refuse plastic when buying fruit and vegetables
Why UK supermarkets are obsessed with wrapping everything in single use plastic I don’t know. (That’s a lie actually, they do it because you then end up buying more than you need meaning more profit for them, unfortunately this also means we end up throwing away a lot of food). Always try to buy loose fruit and vegetables, never use the plastic produce bags provided and wherever possible buy organic produce. Why you should eat organic food.
5. Stop mowing your lawn
In spring let your lawn go wild, lots of pretty wildflowers could pop up and they’re essential for bees and other insects. Insect numbers are declining at a rapid rate, which is bad news for us all. Having a more insect friendly garden by doing less gardening is a very small change but will make a huge difference.

6. Don’t drive if you can walk
We’ve all done it, we’ve driven to the shop when we could very easily have walked. Try to avoid making short journeys in your car and walk or cycle instead. This will improve air quality and help you to stay healthier too.
7. Pick up litter
If you’re walking down the street and see a plastic bag or some other rubbish lying around pick it up and pop it in the nearest bin. If it stays on the ground it’s more likely to blow away and could end up in a river or the ocean causing harm to marine life. When other people see you picking up litter it can encourage them to do the same. Lead by example.
“Each of us can make a positive difference if we commit ourselves to do so.” – Dr. Cornel West |
8. Stop buying bottled water
“You will be reducing your use of fossil fuels and ironically, water, by filling your own water bottles. The production of the plastic for water bottles actually uses more water than it takes to fill the water bottles! It takes three to five litres of water for every one litre bottle produced.” – Top 5 Reasons To Stop Buying Bottled Water
9. Request experiences or time as gifts
I’ve asked my family not to buy me gifts anymore. I own way too much stuff anyway and although I love some of the ornamental gifts I’ve received in the past they’re taking up too much space and I just don’t see the need to add to them. In 10 years time you’re more likely to remember how much fun you had on a day out than what your sister bought you because she ran to the shops at the last minute just to have something to wrap in shiny paper to give to you.

10. Eat less meat and dairy
Although we should probably all go vegan, eating less meat and dairy is something every household should do. You don’t have to be vegan, but do try to find out where your food is coming from to ensure it’s responsibly sourced, or at the very least eat one or two less meaty meals a week.
Even if you did only one of the things on this list you’re contributing to a healthier planet. Always remember you can make a difference just by making small changes, so feel good about how you’re helping to save the world rather than despair that others might not be.